
The machine control has always been a task, carried out exclusively by people who do not work directly on the production lines, so people directly involved in production do not need to worry about the materials needed for their work, and with this model there was difficulty when product supply. Therefore, the objective of this research was to identify benefits and results in the application of the Kanban system in a marine engine maintenance company, in the warehouse sector, added to the selection of literature that conceptualized the mechanism of the system; the identification of the process, from the organization of maintenance parts, as a way to facilitate the maintenance of marine engines. The company studied, founded in 2014, headquartered in the city of Manaus/AM, specializes in marine engine maintenance, with machinery as its main sector. The company has vacancies ranging from 11 to 50 employees annually, according to demands and times of the year. The methodology addressed is of a mixed nature, being part bibliographical in order to select works for the basis and better understanding of the subject, and part case study, since the maritime maintenance company will be the focus of this article. The kanban system determines the quantity of supply so that bottlenecks do not occur with regard to the company's production. Regarding the updating of the table, every day you should check which are the stocks with the highest degree of demand, indicated by the color red, being possible and necessary to pass on to the replacement sector, the missing products. the control system was installed by means of plates that indicated the quantity of parts they had and with that, it could be predicted which parts were priorities in reallocation in the stock, replacing mainly products and fundamental parts for the continuity of the maintenance. After applying this process, it was possible to easily identify the needs and speed up the notes of the company's technical staff with the supply sector (purchases), as well as to avoid the constant lack of “priority” parts in the maintenance process. The performance of the kanban production system applied to the marine engine company was concluded, since the nameplates of the missing parts became much more visible, optimizing the replacement process of pending parts. This production technique presented in the study is of great importance in today's world, as it focuses on the quality of the production process and the quality of finished products offered to the market, making the company that has this system solidify and can remain competitive.

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