
The article is devoted to the current problem of the effectiveness of the fight against sexual violence. The purpose of the article is to develop proposals for the prevention of sexual violence on the basis of Chapter 3 of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence as of 11.05.2011. The author uses the method of comparative law in the study, comparing the legislation of foreign countries and the Russian Federation in this area. The author focuses on information and educational activities as one of the most effective means of preventing sexual violence. The article summarizes the practical experience of foreign countries in combating sexual violence. As a research task, the author identified an attempt to assess the effectiveness of the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of countering sexual violence. In conclusion, the author notes that a comprehensive and effective system for combating sexual violence against women should be based on a solid State legal and policy framework, together with non-governmental organizations that have experience in combating this phenomenon.

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