
The study analyzed international approaches to environmental monitoring of urban land use. Systematic studies of the problem and scientific views are revealed. Based on the results of the research, the importance of spatial support for environmental monitoring is summarized. Specific examples show the role of geospatial data application in the process of monitoring urban environmental problems. Environmental monitoring of urban land use is an important tool for ensuring sustainable development of cities. Although there are many technologies and methods for monitoring, researchers focus on issues of efficiency, usability, technology dependency, and data quality. It is important to ensure the availability of data and the human capacity to carry out monitoring to ensure successful results and improve the management of urban development. However, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of each specific area and its environmental problems, as well as understand the needs and expectations of local residents. Therefore, before the implementation of the monitoring system, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of needs and opportunities, involve interested parties and develop an appropriate interaction strategy. International experience demonstrates that land use monitoring systems are an important tool for ensuring environmental sustainability and development of urban areas. They allow identifying and solving environmental problems, preserving, and efficiently using natural resources, as well as ensuring sustainable development of cities and improving the quality of life of local residents. The researched issues in the article reveal various global practices and provide an opportunity to comprehensively assess the importance of creating a qualitative spatial basis for environmental monitoring of land use in the urban environment. The issue of spatial provision of ecological monitoring of the use of land in the urban environment is quite complex and relevant in international practice, which requires a clear understanding of the system of factors of environmental impact on the land of the urban environment and requires the creation of a monitoring system for ecological processes that take place in cities and have a significant impact on their ecosystems. Keywords: spatial support, environmental monitoring, geoinformation system, land plot, land management, cadastral data, land use, information support, automation.

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