
Intergenerational transmission, also known as intergenerational transmission, is a social phenomenon in which psychological traits or related abilities and behaviors are passed on to the next generation through the previous generation Intergenerational transmission is also called intergenerational transmission. With the improvement of modern living standards, the research on intergenerational transmission has gradually changed from focusing on economy and capital to culture, education, psychology and other spiritual aspects. This paper focuses on the impact of intergenerational transmission on children's psychology in terms of education, and explores the role of intergenerational transmission in children's psychology in terms of age differentiation, value formation by starting from the four aspects of cognitive ability, way of thinking, behavioral control, and emotional experience, and utilizing sampling the educational situation of families in some areas of Anhui Province, and combining with the relevant data from the China Family Tracking Survey (CFPS) to conduct a qualitative study, The study explores the role of intergenerational transmission of education in children's psychological age differentiation, value formation, and adaptive ability, and gives measures to cope with the effect of intergenerational transmission of education from the aspects of improving the level of basic education, improving "bottom-line education", accelerating the pace of transformation from traditional to modern family education, and popularizing the knowledge of psychology.

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