
This study aims to analyze the influence of service quality factors, service quality on customer loyalty with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. The study used primary data obtained directly from data sources collected specifically and directly related to the problem under study as many as 160 respondents The scale used using the Likert scale. In this research, the data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The data analysis method used is quantitative, namely validity test, reliability test, R square test, F square test, Q square test, Fit Model Test, VIF inner model, correlation analysis between dimensions, and hypothesis testing. The results show that Service Quality mediates to Customer Loyalty, Service Quality mediates to Customer Loyalty, Service Quality mediates to Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality mediates to Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Satisfaction mediates to Customer Loyalty. Service quality is the variable that has the greatest influence on customer loyalty at PT Bhum Mulia Prima (RCL Group).

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