
Perspectives of usage natural gas in feeding systems of internal combustion engines and development of electronic control systems have resulted in survived interest in dual fuel system of engine feeding. Compression ignition, dual fuel engine enables to preserve majority of positive features of compression ignition engine and shows many advantageous features comparing with gaseous engine with spark ignition system. The paper shows an impact of gaseous mixture composition on operational parameters of the engine, with special consideration of combustion parameters and toxicity of exhaust gases. It has been confirmed that in range of gaseous mixture composition change in scope of λo = 1.4–6.0 worsening of combustion parameters is negligible and can be accepted for medium size traditional engines. Simultaneously, in spite of implementation of traditional injection system, leaning of the mixture up to λo < 6.0 enables significant change of engine load. Limitation of leaning of the mixture up to λo < 4.5, restricts harmful phenomena connected with combustion of lean gaseous mixtures. It requires, however, fuel injection electronic systems such as common rail. Results presented in the paper can be useful in adaptations of compression ignition engine to gaseous feeding and in stage of development of control systems to such engines.


  • Dual fuel gaseous engines have been known for tens of years

  • In traditional adaptations of compression ignition engines to dual fuel feeding, partial engine loads were obtained via leaning of gaseous mixture, what resulted in reduction of its combustion rate and growth of flame decay zones near cylinder walls

  • Research made by CooperBessemer and Coltec-Fairbanks Morse have shown, that smaller dual fuel engines with pre-chamber and very small initial dosage can develop efficiency and average useful pressures which can be compared with the same parameters obtained in truck engines fed on diesel oil only [9]

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Gazowe silniki dwupaliwowe znane s1 od kilkudziesiêciu lat. Pozwalaj one zachowaæ wiêkszoœæ pozytywnych cech silników o zap3onie samoczynnym takich jak wysok sprawnoœæ termiczn, mo¿liwoœæ spalania mieszanin gazowych w szerokim zakresie zmian jej sk3adu, równomiern pracê silnika przy zmianach prêdkoœci obrotowej i obci1¿enia. Nie bez znaczenia jest równie¿ ma3a ha3aœliwoœæ i mo¿liwoœæ pracy silnika przy braku gazu lub awarii instalacji gazowej. Cecha ta mo¿e mieæ istotne znaczenie w okresie przejœciowym przy niedostatecznej sieci stacji tankowania lub przy zastosowaniach w transporcie publicznym. Silniki te w przesz3oœci posiada3y równie¿ szereg wad, szczególnie istotnych przy tradycyjnym systemie zasilania i w trakcyjnych zastosowaniach silnika. Wady te wynika3y z faktu, ¿e jakoœæ 3adunku w dwupaliwowym silniku oraz przebieg spalania wynikaj z aktual-

Parametry charakteryzuj1ce jakoϾ 3adunku w silniku dwupaliwowym
The parameters describe the quality of charge in a dual fuel engine
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Experimental results and discussion
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