
Purpose: to conduct a clinical and epidemiological analysis of the incidence of syphilis in the Moscow Region for the period from 2010 to 2017. Material and methods. Assessment of the incidence of various population groups and the manifestation of the epidemic process was carried out on the basis of an analysis of statistical data on the Moscow Region and statistical charts of patients. A comprehensive clinical examination of patients with syphilis was conducted to identify early signs of syphilitic infection and the presence of late forms of nervous system damage. Results. The analysis of the epidemic situation in Moscow region for the indicated observation period showed that the incidence of late forms of syphilis has increased. Conclusion. Analysis of the epidemic situation in the Moscow Region for the period 2010-2017 showed that the incidence of syphilis in the region’s population has increased, The incidence of asymptomatic neurosyphilis also has increased. The influx of migrants from epidemiologically dangerous countries and the availability of sex services support the consistently high level of incidence of syphilis in the Russian Federation.

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