
Ainun Jariah, 2023. Analysis of the Implementation of Project Based Learning Model on Students’ Speaking Skill at SMAN 5 Takalar. Supervised by Radiah Hamid and Syamsiarna Nappu. This research aims to explore the ways of teacher implement Project-based Learning Model in teaching and to know what the impact of Project-based Learning model on students’ speaking skill. This research used Qualitative research. The data were obtained using three instruments, namely observation checklist, document and reording. The subject of the research were two English teachers who taught the elevent grade, selected by Purposive Sampling Technique. The finding of this research revealed that both teachers implemented the Project Based Learning syntax, but not entirely. Teacher 1 did not implement the last poin in the evaluating the project stage, while teacher 2 did not implement the last two steps, namely Assesing the Project Result and Evaluating the Project. Therefore, the finding also shows that Project-based Learning Model has a positive impact on students speaking skills, while no students achieve an excellent category in pronunciation, 96% performed good, students have a great change of getting excellent in all aspect of speaking if teacher implement project based learning model throughly. Meanwhile, based on the data the conclusion that the Project- based Learning Model significantly contributes on the development of students’ speaking skill.

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