
This study is titled Analysis of Smartphone Use against Adolescent Social Interactions During COVID-19. This research is motivated by the increasingly popular use of smartphones among generation Z that can influence social interactions especially the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus that urged students to study at home or online by using smartphones and keeping activities out of the house in order to avoid the Covid-19 virus and break the chain of the virus that causes constrained social interaction activities outside the home, especially the students of grade XII science 1 and XII science 2 at Senior High School 2 Rantau Selatan (State Senior High School 2, South Rantau) (State Senior High School 2, South Rantau) using qualitative-descriptive research that considered suitable for the problem of the impact of smartphone use on adolescent social interactions during the Covid-19 period where the main data sources in this study are students. The tools used to collect data are questionnaires, interviews, observations and documentation. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The sample data from this study were students of grade XII science 1 & XII science 2 with a total of 64 people. The results of the interview research and supported by the questionnaire showed that the use of smartphones in students in grade XII science 1 and XII science 2 Senior High School 2 Rantau Selatan (State Senior High School 2, South Rantau) (State Senior High School 2, South Rantau) was at 51.02%, then about 33.84% intensity of social media to eliminate saturation only activities in the house alone that resulted in a lack of intensity or association of teenagers with people around the next student doing activities gathered with friends categorized as small enough only 5.08% is also caused by the government's rules to stay at home and 10.06% of students feel the effects of smartphones. The conclusion of this study shows that there are positive and negative impacts of smartphones on adolescent social interactions during Covid-19


  • According to a survey conducted by Sladek and Grabinger, (2014) stated that generation z get acquainted and connect more often with various other cities and 13% in different countries, which at the beginning created smartphones to facilitate business people to launch their businesses and during the covid19 period is very helpful for business people to run their businesses

  • April 2021, Volume 7, Issue 2, 167-172 of smartphones because there are many interesting features and facilitate space in adolescent activities, and reduce boredom due to almost 1 year already students do a lot of activities at home alone, the Covid-19 pandemic makes the need to keep distance in social interactions (WHO, 2020) so that makes dependency that is difficult to release from the smartphones that make the intensity of smartphone use among them can change the pattern of social interaction (Noor 2014)

  • Among the teenagers in question are generation Z students, teenagers who are supposed to have a lot of social interaction or socialize and communicate with new people around them can be hampered a little because of the lack of free activities out of the house caused by the covid-19 virus that has spread, and smartphone use is a major need in the era of generation Z especially in the age of covid-19 all activities that occur through smartphones because it will have a negative and positive impact on their social interactions (Noor, 2014)

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The era of generation Z which according to Grail Research (2011) is the first generation that is the internet generation as it is today teenagers are very pampered in the sophistication of gadgets that are smartphones to access the internet, and quality camera results so as to make it easier for teenagers to communicate remotely without meeting by using Video calls especially during The Covid-19 period that requires the whole community to stay at home in orderAccording to a survey conducted by Sladek and Grabinger, (2014) stated that generation z get acquainted and connect more often with various other cities and 13% in different countries, which at the beginning created smartphones to facilitate business people to launch their businesses and during the covid period is very helpful for business people to run their businesses. April 2021, Volume 7, Issue 2, 167-172 of smartphones because there are many interesting features and facilitate space in adolescent activities, and reduce boredom due to almost 1 year already students do a lot of activities at home alone, the Covid-19 pandemic makes the need to keep distance in social interactions (WHO, 2020) so that makes dependency that is difficult to release from the smartphones that make the intensity of smartphone use among them can change the pattern of social interaction (Noor 2014). Among the teenagers in question are generation Z students, teenagers who are supposed to have a lot of social interaction or socialize and communicate with new people around them can be hampered a little because of the lack of free activities out of the house caused by the covid-19 virus that has spread, and smartphone use is a major need in the era of generation Z especially in the age of covid-19 all activities that occur through smartphones because it will have a negative and positive impact on their social interactions (Noor, 2014)

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