
With the introduction into use of the new state reference system USK-2000, the issue of converting the coordinates of the turning points of the boundaries of land parcels into USK-2000 arises, which is important for geodetic support of the design, construction of engineering structures, etc. The article examines the influence of the transformation parameters on the divergence of the linear parameters of the turning points from the SK-63 coordinate system to the USK-2000 system. The analysis of coordinates and linear parameters of land plots was carried out using conversion coefficients using the affine method according to formulas and compared with those calculated in the Digitals program. Regardless of the area and orientation of the land plot, the sum of increments of its coordinates is equal to zero in the SK-63 and USK- 2000 systems, while the area discrepancy depends on the size of the land plot. To clarify the actual area of a land plot on the physical surface of the Earth, which has a boundary length of more than 500 m, it is necessary to reduce to the reference surface the reference ellipsoid and the Gauss-Kruger projection plane. if the site was connected to the points of the state network. 
 The relevance of the work is to determine the influence of the transformation of the coordinates of the turning points of land plots in the USK-2000 system on linear parameters (coordinate increments, lengths between the turning points of borders) and the area of small land plots. 
 The goal of the work. Analyze the discrepancy of linear parameters and the area of land plots after converting the coordinates of turning points from the SK-63 system to the USK-2000 system in the Digitals program and by the affine method using formulas on specific examples. Research results can be taken into account when considering the issue of determining the area of land plots in the USK-2000 coordinate system up to 25 hectares.

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