
Abstract In this paper, shielding analysis was performed to determine neutron and gamma dose rates around the transfer cask HI-TRAC VW (Holtec International Transfer Cask Variable Weight) loaded with spent fuel assemblies (SFA) from nuclear power plant (NPP) Krsko spent fuel dry storage (SFDS) campaign one. The HI-TRAC VW is a multilayered cylindrical vessel designed to accept a multipurpose canister (MPC) during loading, unloading, and transfer to dry storage building. The MPC can contain up to 37 spent fuel assemblies. The analysis was divided into two steps. The first step was the source term generation using origen-s module of the scale code package. The source was calculated based on the operating history of spent fuel assemblies currently located in the NPP Krsko spent fuel pool. The obtained particle intensities and source spectra of the SFA were used in the second step to calculate the dose rates around the transfer cask. A comprehensive hybrid shielding analysis included the calculation of dose rates resulting from fuel neutrons and gammas, neutron-induced gammas (n-γ reaction), and hardware activation gammas under normal conditions and during accident scenario. To obtain the dose rates within the acceptable uncertainties, forward weighted consistent adjoint driven importance sampling (FW-CADIS) variance reduction scheme, as implemented in advantg code, was adopted for accelerating final mcnp6.2 calculations. The dose rates around HI-TRAC VW cask were calculated using mcnp6.2 code for all 16 cask loadings belonging to campaign one in order to illustrate the impact of fuel assembly selection schemes proposed by company responsible for project realization - Holtec International (HI).

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