
The processing and fate of mixed immune complexes is influenced by the antibody isotypes present. The hepatobiliary transport of mixed immune complexes containing the mouse IgA myeloma protein J558 and corresponding monoclonal IgG or IgM anti-J558 idiotype or monoclonal IgG anti-mouse IgA allotype antibodies has been studied. The anti-idiotype or anti-allotype antibodies were radiolabeled and injected into mice with or without mouse polymeric IgA (J558). IgG anti-idiotype antibodies to J558 IgA were selectively transported into bile by J558 IgA. This process occurred with a radiolabeled Fab preparation of the IgG anti-idiotype and was inhibitable with IgA of an irrelevant antigenic specificity. Thus, polymeric IgA influenced the fate of IgA-IgG idiotype-anti-idiotype serum immune complexes. A monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody of the IgM isotype (D8-3) was not selectively transported into bile by itself or as an IgA-IgM complex. A monoclonal IgG antibody (CB5-6) to a mouse allotype determinant in the Fc portion of IgA was not selectively transported into bile. This anti-allotype monoclonal antibody inhibited the hepatobiliary transport of 125I-polymeric J558 IgA and therefore appeared to directly or indirectly block the site in the Fc region of IgA recognized by the hepatic receptor.

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