
An SNP analysis is performed using the iSelect90K SNP array to identify the genetic diversity of synthetic hexaploid wheat lines of Kyoto University (Japan) bred by crossing durum wheat variety Langdon (Triticum durum, 2n = 4x = 28, BBAA) with accessions of Aegilops tauschii (2n = 2x = 14, DD) of different ecological origin. The level of genomic variability is calculated by using the Emma approach (Efficient Mixed-Model Association) and genomic relationship matrix (G). The genetic diversity of the genome D of synthetic lines is greater than that of genomes A and B by 50%. The greatest genetic polymorphism is observed in the line Langdon/Ku-2105 from Pahlavi province on the southern coast of Caspian Sea and the line Langdon/Ig 131606 from Kyrgyzstan. Lines from India (Langdon/Ig 48042), Iranian provinces Sari and Babolsar (Langdon/Ku-2088, Langdon/Ku-2093, Langdon/Ku-2096), and Turkmenistan (Langdon/Ig 26387) are characterized by a lower genetic diversity of the genome D. Thus, the involvement of synthetic hexaploid wheat on the basis of Ae. tauschii accessions from the Caspian basin into hybridization will extend the genetic diversity of wheat varieties and increase the efficiency of genetic resources.

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