
This work presents the first experimental investigation of the gas balance on the optimized modular stellarator Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X). A balance of all injected and removed particles and a measurement of internal particle reservoirs allows inference of the bound particle reservoir in the wall, which is of interest due to its effects on plasma density control and fuel retention. Different scenarios of the gas balance are presented with data from the operation campaign 1.2 with an inertially cooled graphite divertor. Both net outgassing and net retention scenarios are presented and W7-X is found to operate stable in a wide range of scenarios with varying wall conditions. Since fusion experiments are conducted in ultra-high vacuum, suitable gauges are required for total and partial pressure measurement. The challenges and opportunities of the operation of pressure gauges in the steady magnetic field extending beyond plasma pulses are discussed. The performance of newly improved neutral pressure gauges, based on crystal cathode emitters is quantified. These provide improved operational robustness since they can be operated for long periods of time in strong magnetic fields. A crystal cathode setup and and its operation performance is presented along with a fast calibration scheme. Partial pressure measurements provide additional important information complementing the total neutral pressure measurements, and allowing additional physics insights. As part of this thesis work, a new diagnostic of this kind was implemented on W7-X, the so-called diagnostic residual gas analyzer (DRGA). It provides a wealth of information on various neutral gas species, with a relatively high time resolution - of order a few seconds. The diagnostic setup and its first results are presented in this thesis.

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