
The purpose of this article is to analyze the opportunities, limitations and challenges for formalization in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector of the Puno-Peru Region, based on empirical quantitative data collected from the Regional Mining Directorate (RDEM) Puno, during the years 2012 to 2016, in this regard, 6,985 formalization requests were submitted to the RDEM Puno, of which 11 ASM mining operators managed to formalize, which means 0.2% of the total requests submitted. Likewise, in that period, the Puno region ranked third at the national level in terms of the formalization of ASM. 91% of informal mining operators were unable to have a contract or an authorization agreement for a mining concession, since these mining concession areas have previously been granted by the Peruvian state to a mining holder. Likewise, 97% of ASM mining operators do not have the accreditation for the use of surface land, due to the fact that the mining concessions are within the territories belonging to the peasant communities who did not grant contracts or agreements of accreditation. Finally, during the ASM formalization process, a small percentage of the total applications submitted for this purpose were formalized, because they did not meet the requirements established in Peruvian regulations.

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