
The purpose of this research is to examine the differences in the financialperformance of Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAMs) in Makassar City before andduring the 2018-2021 Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a Quantitative DescriptiveResearch, using financial indicators Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Gross Margin, Net ProfitMargin and Debt Ratio. The data analysis method is the sample t-test. The results showedthat the current rate was higher before the pandemic, with a higher average than duringthe pandemic, the quick ratio was higher before the pandemic, with a higher average thanduring the pandemic, and the gross margin was higher before the pandemic. The averageis higher than during the pandemic. Net profit margin is higher before the pandemic andhigher on average than during the pandemic. Debt ratios are higher during the pandemicand higher on average than before the pandemic. From this it can be concluded that thecurrent ratio, quick ratio, gross profit margin, net profit margin and debt ratio are notdifferent from each other.

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