
In recent years, due to the slowdown in industrial development and the decline in the economic growth of the Russian Federation in trade and services, many companies from these activities in order to minimize their costs stop expanding production through new construction and at the same time freeze what they have started. In these conditions, managing the profitability of construction companies is one of the most important tasks for all levels of management: operational, tactical and strategic. Return on assets is the most important indicator of the efficiency of a commercial company, the main standard or average value in a market economy, with which individual indicators of companies are correlated to justify their competitiveness. The article suggests a way to manage the return on assets by decomposing the Filatov model (return on assets) into factors that reflect various aspects of the company’s activities. The object of the study is construction companies (construction of residential and non-residential buildings) in the Baikal region of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk region, Republic of Buryatia, Zabaikalsky Krai). The article presents the method No. 2 of integral analysis developed by Filatov E. A. The article was carried out within the framework of the scientific project of the Inc SB RAS no. XI.174.1.4 ‘Activation of the internal development potential of regions of resource specialization (on the example of the Baikal region)‘.

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