
In the era of active development of the transport industry, the introduction of digital technologies, the issue of the quality of passenger transportation still remains unresolved, despite the large number of carriers. The general transport system is an integral component of the country's economic development, and therefore research in the field of passenger transport becomes relevant and key aspects in solving the problem of improving the provision of transport services. The authors analyzed the features, main problems and risks of passenger transportation projects. It is noted that the majority of scientific works are devoted to cargo transportation, and those studies related to the field of passenger transportation consider the issue of quality provision of passenger transportation very superficially. The article demonstrates the need to replace traditional forms of project management in the transport sector with modern and progressive ones. Among a number of innovative approaches to management, the authors recommend the implementation of value-oriented management of passenger transportation projects, justifying the fact that value, as a rule, arises only in the process of operating a product, even if a high-quality and efficient system of passenger transportation is the value that will satisfy stakeholders, and primarily passengers. A value-oriented approach to passenger transport projects is determined by the main values that have a certain influence on the success and efficiency of such projects. The main idea is to take into account the needs and expectations of passengers, ensuring comfort, safety and efficiency of transportation. Conclusions were made regarding the need to continue researching value-oriented management in the field of passenger transportation, taking into account the specificity of projects in this field.

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