
In order to improve the curative effect of onychomycosis, the factors influencing the therapeutic effects were investigated. 545 cases including 245 males and 300 females, who were diagnosed both clinically and mycologically, were treated by Intraconazole with intermittent pulse therapy. The therapeutic effects were judged by the following observations regularly and analyzed from the factors as follows: age; growing speed of nails; accompanied diseases; family history; trauma of nails; infection ways of the pathogens; manifestation of the injury; pathogens; duration of the treatment. The results showed that the recovery rate was higher in younger patients (P < 0.01) with a quicker recovery rate (P < 0.001), and a lower recurrent rate (P < 0.01), as well as in those with quicker growing speed of new-born nail. Also the patients with WSO and DLSO manifestation had a higher recovery rate. The patients with onychomycosis caused by T. rubrum had a higher recovery rate (P < 0.01 to 0.001) no matter whether to prolong the treatment duration. The patients with diabetes mellitus or hyperhidrosis, as well as with positive family history or basic nail diseases such as trauma and paronychia, had a lower recovery rate and the curative effects were not satisfactory. It was concluded that although the single and some DLSO-manifestation nail injury could be cured by internal and external treatments with the help of removing the sick nail and the duration of the treatment could be shortened. The treatment duration should be prolonged in order to increase the curative effects and decrease the recurrence under such conditions as following: old patients above 60 years; patients with low-growing-speed new-borne nails; patients with thumb and big toel injury and ingrowing nail; patients with diabetes mellitus, hyperhidrosis or Renauld's phenomenon; patients with nail trauma before or during the treatment; patients with PSO or TDO manifestation; patients with onychomycosis caused by Candida or Aspergillus; patients with abnormal new-borne nails of abnormal color, coarse surface or abnormal thickness.

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