
The development of autonomous navigation has reached a stage where the issue of creating a system for training specialists in the field of autonomous ship management and developing a regulatory framework that defines the requirements for methodological, personnel and logistical support for such training arises. A brief analysis of the available bibliographic sources on the topic of training operators of autonomous vessels is presented. The requirements of the procedures for the training and certification of autonomous ships operators contained in three regulatory documents published to date such as Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. Principles and Code of Practice of the British Marine Industry Association, Regulations for the Classification of Offshore Autonomous and Remotely Operated Surface Vessels of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and Norwegian Register Standard are considered. A list of basic competencies necessary for the management of autonomous vessels has been formed. A significant part of the knowledge, skills and abilities that make up these competencies are acquired at the stage of training under programs for obtaining a professional seafarer diploma at the management level. The competencies of the autonomous vessel operator are formed on the basis of maritime competencies by adding additional knowledge, skills and abilities that reflect the specifics of the serviced autonomous vessels, equipment and apparatus used in a particular remote control center and navigation conditions in the serviced area. Additional competencies of the operator are largely related to other specialties (IT specialists, electromechanics, radio specialists). In the future, within the framework of the international regulation carried out by the IMO, in the training of autonomous ships operators, the approach underlying the training of ship traffic control systems operators can be used.

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