
How deeply did the ideas of Cicero infl uence humanism in the European immigration issues? The goal is to analyse the problems of refugees, with special emphasis on economic refugees. Looking at the human evolution and history at fi rst sight we will see that migration of the European peoples began with Neanderthal and Modern humans (Homo sapiens). Scientists believe that they lived at the same time in Europe 5 000 B.C. It is said based on the DNA, as they interbred, coexisted with Homo sapiens. This could add to the great Migration to Europe over the last several thousands of years. The world’s population is expected to increase from 6.9 billion to 9.3 billion in 2050 and to reach 10.1 billion by 2100. Developed countries as a whole will experience little or no population growth, and much of that growth will be from immigration from less developed countries. The world’s poorest countries will see the growth. Africa’s population is expected to account for almost 24% of the world’s population in 2050 and for 35% in 2100. The share of Europe is expected to decline: from nearly 22% in 1950 to less than 7% in 2100. The biggest problems in EU are the refugee crisis and the Islamic terrorism. How can we cope with waves of refugees, and what will be their impact on the European economy? Europe has changed into multicultural regions. What will the Europe be like in future? Will the European values remain?

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