
The article discusses the changes caused by the development of robotics and artificial intelligence are contributing to the emergence of new and exacerbation of existing problems in the labor market, including the reduction of jobs. Along with this, in the regions of New Zealand, there is an outflow of young and most promising personnel to the capital and large cities. The observed trends require the implementation of effective measures aimed at ensuring the necessary balance in the regional labor markets and reducing social tension. The activities of the Program for the development of human resources in the region are formalized, target groups of the population are identified for each type of event. Methods for obtaining estimates of the potential effectiveness of the Program activities based on sociological surveys are proposed. A differentiated approach to the implementation of activities for certain different categories of the population has been substantiated, which ensures a balanced labor market and coordination of the release of specialists by influencing the selected target groups of the population. target populations are identified for each type of intervention. Methods for obtaining estimates of the potential effectiveness of the Program activities based on sociological surveys are proposed. A differentiated approach to carrying out activities for certain different categories of the population has been substantiated, which ensures a balanced labor market and coordination of the release of specialists by influencing the selected target groups of the population. target populations are identified for each type of intervention

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