
The upper bound limit analysis method is one of the main approaches to check the basal stability of foundation pits against upheaval. However, existing studies have often failed to consider the effects of external supporting structures, including isolation piles and others, on basal stability against upheaval. This study derives a formula for the coefficient of basal stability against upheaval under the action of isolation piles by simplifying the pile-soil relationship and systematically examines the impact of isolation pile parameters on basal stability against upheaval using the theory of continuous velocity fields and the upper bound limit analysis method. A comparison of simulation results indicates that this technique can accurately identify the variation trend of basal stability against upheaval under the influence of isolation piles and achieve high calculation precision under the operating conditions of wide foundation pits and short isolation piles. Accordingly, a moderate increase in isolation pile parameters produces a significant supporting effect for narrowed foundation pits. Whereas for wide foundation pits, the supporting capacity of isolation piles can be maximized when pile length equals excavation depth.

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