
This article is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of state agricultural programs, national and priority regional projects to support peasant (farm) farms and rural areas in Sverdlovsk region. Materials and methods: tools and methods of financial assistance, including grants, for peasant (farm) farms in the Sverdlovsk region are analyzed. These mechanisms are used in the implementation of state programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex at the Federal and regional levels. The identified problems of agricultural development allow us not only to formulate recommendations for improving the mechanisms for implementing measures to support farmers, but also to pay attention to aspects that are not taken into account by state programs. The authors relied on statistical, structural, analytical, system, logical, and correlation analysis. The normative legal basis of the study was chosen by the normative legal acts of Russian Federation and Sverdlovsk region, including state programs, national and priority regional projects implemented in the field of agriculture, and official materials of state statistics. Results: the effectiveness of the main instruments of state support for farmers in the region is evaluated, recommendations for improving the mechanisms of support for farmers in Sverdlovsk region are developed, and directions for the development of rural cooperation are proposed. Discussion: the article presents a socio-economic analysis of the support and development of peasant (farm) farms by the state government authorities of Sverdlovsk region. The authors pay special attention to the fact that during the implementation of state programs and projects, certain aspects are not taken into account when evaluating applications for state funding, which were identified by researchers in Estonia and Latvia. Conclusion: it is necessary to regularly assess the effectiveness and then correlate the tools used to support peasant (farm) farms. In order to increase efficiency, it is necessary to apply correlation analysis of statistical data to public authorities and conduct sociological research (in the future).

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