
Urinary tract infections are among the most common bacterial infections. Currently, one of the main problems of therapy, as for the infections of other localizations, is the high level of antibiotic resistance. Timely prescribed and adequately selected antimicrobial therapy is the main factor determining the treatment outcome. The aim of the study. To carry out dynamic analysis of the etiological structure of urinary tract microflora and to assess antibiotic resistance of the most significant uropathogens in patients of the Clinics of the Irkutsk State Medical University (Clinics of ISMU) in order to optimize the use of antimicrobial drugs in a multidisciplinary hospital. Materials and methods. We analyzed bacterial strains (n = 2414) collected from urine of patients treated at the Clin-ics of ISMU from 2018 to 2022. Microbiological examination of urine was conducted in bacteriological laboratory of the Clinics of ISMU. Results. During the study period, E. coli remained the main uropathogen. There has been an increase in antibiotic resistance of E. coli to the main antimicrobial agents which are traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections, including fluoroquinolones and third-generation cephalosporins. There is an increase in the frequency of detection of E. coli strains producing extended-spectrum b-lactamases from 5.4 % to 12.4 %. Meropenem and nitrofurantoin retain the greatest activity against E. coli. Conclusion. The results of this study indicate the need to strengthen control over the use of antimicrobial agents in medical organizations, the importance of constant microbiological monitoring in order to identify the characteristics of local antibiotic resistance and update protocols for empirical treatment of urinary tract infections.

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