
The need to address the issues of treatment and dispensary accounting for war veterans and combatants is one of the most pressing issues that has received considerable attention. Events that have taken place in the distant past and that have taken place in recent years in the east of our country before, excite everyone and compel our authorities and health care organizers to develop inpatient care, dispensary surveillance and rehabilitation programs for war veterans and combatants actions. The multifaceted delivery of medical assistance and dispensary to war veterans and combatants requires the effective functioning of this system as an independent area of clinical and social medicine.
 Military action is always accompanied by casualties and injuries to both military and civilians. Persons in poor health as a result of military action, which is expressed in restriction on military service or work, need to move first and foremost to establish a permanent disability. This is due to the fact that the disability structure identifies a group of causes, including people who have completely or partially lost their disability as a result of injury, injury or injury sustained during their military service.
 Surveys of war veterans and combatants take place in outpatient clinics and, under certain circumstances, may be carried out by a visiting team of specialists to the field (hospitals, rural dispensaries, FAPs, and veterans' homes). In health care facilities, veterans' examinations are carried out at their previous call. War veterans are inspected at home by a visiting team of specialists in cases where they live far away from health care facilities and because of their health, and cannot be examined.
 Introduction. The issue of inpatient treatment of combatants and war veterans is one of the topical issues that is receiving considerable attention and is being addressed by meetings of governmental committees and civic organizations. The main goal in addressing these issues is to restore the physical and mental health of participants in the hostilities, achieve social and psychological well-being, reduce the frequency and severity of the effects of mental traumas suffered in the form of acute stress reactions, prevention of disability, prevention of aggression and prevention of aggression.
 Dispensary observation is a complex of medical measures, which is based on active, constant monitoring of the state of human health, detection of diseases in the early stages, detailed research, study, and elimination of the causes of their occurrence, carrying out medical and health, sanitary, social and hygienic activities aimed at improving the environment, work and people's lifestyles. Fast and quality treatment, effective medical rehabilitation, dispensary observation can only be achieved with early onset, continuity, consistency, continuity and completeness of medical care for patients, individual approach and programming of rehabilitation, timely rehabilitation.


  • The issue of inpatient treatment of combatants and war veterans is one of the topical issues that is receiving considerable attention and is being addressed by meetings of governmental committees and civic organizations

  • set targets to address the reduction in mortality rates associated with cardiovascular disease in people

  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the dynamics of mortality in the population

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Актуальні проблеми сучасної медицини

MEDICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES ON PREVENTING PREMATURE DEATH OF POPULATION IN POLTAVA REGION Belikova I.V. , Kostrikov A.V., Krasko N.M. The purpose of this study was to analyze the dynamics of mortality in the population of the Poltava region, to determine the age and sex patterns of mortality from circulatory diseases in the population of Ukraine, to conduct a comparative analysis of the data in order to identify possible ways to improve the situation. Необхідність вирішення питань лікування та диспансерного обліку ветеранів війни та учасників бойових дій є одним з найбільш хвилюючих питань, якому приділяється значна увага. Які відбувалися у далекому минулому та ті, що відбуваються протягом останніх років на сході нашої країни, хвилюють кожного та змушують нашу владу та організаторів охорони здоров’я для розробки програм надання стаціонарного лікування, диспансерного спостереження та реабілітаційних заходів ветеранам війни та учасникам бойових дій. Питання стаціонарного лікування учасників бойових дій та ветеранів війни є одним з актуальних питань, якому приділяється значна увага та яке виноситься на розгляд засідань урядових комітетів і громадських організацій. Ефективне проведення медичної реабілітації, диспансерне спостереження може бути досягнуте лише за умов раннього початку, безперервності, послідовності, наступності та повноти надання медичної допомоги хворим, індивідуального підходу та програмування відновного лікування, наданні своєчасних реабілітаційних заходів

Результати та їх обговорення
Матеріали і методи
Області України
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