
A four-terminal model for a long-channel depletion-mode MOS transistor including both the diffusion and the drift components of the current along the channel is developed. The theory, which is derived in the gradual channel hypothesis, has been built-up by considering both Poisson's equation and the current-continuity equation. The model is able to describe, without discontinuities, the dc drain current in the enhancement, depletion, and subpinchoff regimes of operation of the device. It is shown that pinchoff and zero drain conductance are naturally achieved as the drain voltage increases, while in the subpinchoff regime the drain current exponentially depends on gate voltage and is mainly due to the diffusion component. Finally, it is found that mobility degradation effects due to the normal component of the electric field can easily be taken into account and it is shown that experimental data favorably compare with the proposed model.

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