
The stage of specialized basic training is important in the further development of sports skills of male and female figure skaters. At this stage of training, mastering, and improving complex jumps, rotations, jumps in rotation, step paths and spirals, which will form the basis of high sports results in the future. Purpose: determination of the features of the competitive activity of figure skaters and the structure of ensuring the competitive result. Methodology: To solve the set goal and tasks of the research, a complex of interrelated methods was used, including methods of the theoretical level of research (analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, regulatory and legal documents and information resources of the Internet with problems of special training of skaters at the stage of specialized basic training in the preparatory period); empirical research methods (pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment to determine the effectiveness of the developed program for improving the special physical training of skaters at the stage of specialized basic training in the preparatory period, evaluation of competitive activity, general and special physical fitness); mathematical statistics (factor analysis). Scientific novelty: The results of the factor analysis of ensuring the competitive result showed for the first time that the largest percentage of variance (46.24%) among skaters was attributed to the speed-power factor, 33.25% to the coordination factor, and 18.32% to the flexibility factor. In figure skaters, a slightly different factor structure of ensuring a competitive result was observed: in the first place was the coordination factor, the percentage of the total variance of which is equal to 43.66%, in the second place - the speed-power factor (30.69%), in the third place - the flexibility factor (19.65 %). Conclusions: at the stage of specialized basic training, coordination abilities and indicators of vestibular stability play the most important role in the success of competitive activity in figure skaters, and in figure skaters – speed and strength, which must be considered during the development of an experimental program for improving special physical fitness.

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