
We use analysis of a realistic three-dimensional finite-element model of the tunnel of Corti (ToC) in the middle turn of the gerbil cochlea tuned to the characteristic frequency (CF) of 4 kHz to show that the anatomical structure of the organ of Corti (OC) is consistent with the hypothesis that the cochlear amplifier functions as a fluid pump. The experimental evidence for the fluid pump is that outer hair cell (OHC) contraction and expansion induce oscillatory flow in the ToC. We show that this oscillatory flow can produce a fluid wave traveling in the ToC and that the outer pillar cells (OPC) do not present a significant barrier to fluid flow into the ToC. The wavelength of the resulting fluid wave launched into the tunnel at the CF is 1.5 mm, which is somewhat longer than the wavelength estimated for the classical traveling wave. This fluid wave propagates at least one wavelength before being significantly attenuated. We also investigated the effect of OPC spacing on fluid flow into the ToC and found that, for physiologically relevant spacing between the OPCs, the impedance estimate is similar to that of the underlying basilar membrane. We conclude that the row of OPCs does not significantly impede fluid exchange between ToC and the space between the row of OPC and the first row of OHC-Dieter's cells complex, and hence does not lead to excessive power loss. The BM displacement resulting from the fluid pumped into the ToC is significant for motion amplification. Our results support the hypothesis that there is an additional source of longitudinal coupling, provided by the ToC, as required in many non-classical models of the cochlear amplifier.

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