
This article is devoted to analyzing the classification of signs of the right to work of civil servants. In modern society, the right to work for public servants is a key element in ensuring effective public service. The classification of the signs of this right is important for determining the duties and responsibilities of civil servants. In particular, this may include aspects such as professional qualifications, level of education, work experience, knowledge of legislation, and ethical standards. The specificity of the right to work for a civil servant is the existence of a valid contract that defines the terms of employment and the obligations of the parties. An important aspect is the ability to interact and cooperate with colleagues and senior managers, which contributes to building an effective work team.
 It is expedient to summarize that the classification of signs of the right to work of civil servants is a relevant topic of research, which allows a better understanding of the main aspects and requirements for the activity of this category of employees. The study of this issue can be useful for improving the system of management of civil servants and increasing the efficiency of public administration as a whole.
 The author analyzed the approaches of other scientists regarding the analysis of this or that aspect of the right to work of civil servants in the conditions of the European integration of Ukraine, as well as certain features or features of this legal phenomenon. Criticism of certain positions of scientists is provided, and the author’s own position is substantiated. The norms of current legislation (both constitutional and special) relating to the issue of the right to work of civil servants are given. The need to update and improve the current legislation in the specified area was emphasized.
 The author of the article concludes that his proposed system of classification of the signs of the right to work of civil servants allows for a more thorough investigation of this problem. The scientist has examined in detail the essence and meaning of each of the mentioned general and special features of the right to work of civil servants.

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