
Faith in a Seed is known as “the pinnacle of Thoreau’s work” and its writing technique is influenced by literary tradition and rich rhetorical devices are employed. Based on Translator Behavior Criticism, using specific examples to describe and compare one typical rhetorical device such as metaphorical expressions in the Chinese translations of Faith in a Seed by Guangjun He and Yiren Chen, this paper explores the translators’ choices in the process of translation when facing different language environments. It is found that when dealing with two figures of speech, simile and metaphor, the He’s and Chen’s versions are very flexible in the choice of specific translation strategies, sometimes approaching the “truth-seeking” side, sometimes approaching the “utility-attaining” side; when it comes to metonymy, Chen’s version tends to be utility-attaining, while He’s version tends to be truth-seeking; When dealing with synecdoche, both the He’s and Chen’s versions tend to be truth-seeking.

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