
The article studied yeast composition isolated from the separation of the mash, bran separated in the grinding step, as well as a protein supplement obtained by mixing these two products. Crude fat content ranges from 4,7 to 6,2%, crude protein content is 38%, which is 20% lower than in the fodder yeast, but 14% higher than that of the bran. It is also found that the resulting protein product enriched in micro- and macro-elements, as well as readily hydrolyzable and water soluble carbohydrates. crude fiber content is 5,5%, which is almost 2,5 times lower than in the bran. The composition of the feed protein supplement obtained with the introduction at the stage of aqueous suspension of wheat powdery cellulolytic enzyme preparation Viskolaza 150 L and without it. The enzyme preparation was added in the step of preparing aqueous suspensions and wheat powdery dosage of 0,01% by weight of the feedstock. protein feed additives obtained with and without addition of cellulolytic enzyme preparation of high quality crude protein content and protein. Thus, the content of crude protein in the protein with the introduction of an additive in an aqueous suspension of powdery Viskolazy 150 L was 37% whereas 34% without the enzyme preparation. The amount of soluble polysaccharides and the mass fraction of ash were practically at the same level of from 2,4 to 5% and from 5,5 to 7,0%, respectively. fiber content of the protein supplement using Viskolazy 150 L was 4,2-6,1%, which is 2,5 times lower than in the protein supplement obtained without enzyme preparation.


  • Аминокислотный состав белковых продуктов определяли на анализаторе марки Хитачи с предварительным гидролизом белков 6 н НС1 в запаянных ампулах

  • The article studied yeast composition isolated from the separation of the mash, bran separated in the grinding step, as well as a protein supplement obtained by mixing these two products

  • It is found that the resulting protein product enriched in microand macro-elements, as well as readily hydrolyzable and water soluble carbohydrates. crude fiber content is 5,5%, which is almost [2,5] times lower than in the bran

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For citation

Зуева Н.В., Агафонов Г.В., Лукинова И.Ю., Долгов А.Н. Анализ Zueva N.V. Agafonov G.V., Lukinova I.Yu., Dolgov A.N. Analysis химического состава и свойств основных и побочных продуктов of the chemical composition and properties of the main and side при реализации новых технологий получения этанола // products during the implementation of new technologies for producing. 3. ченной путем смешивания этих двух продуктов. В работах современных ученых доказана эффективность использования внесения ферментных препаратов на различных стадиях при переработке зернового сырья [5–8]. Что дрожжи производятся на основе зерновой барды и используются для обогащения комбикормов и скармливания животным в смеси с концентратами, силосом, жомом. Представляло интерес провести химический анализ белковой добавки, полученной путем смешивания дрожжей, выделенных из зрелой бражки сепарацией, с отрубями

Материалы и методы
Наименование показателей Description of indicators
Protein additive obtained by mixing products these products
Аминокислота Amino acid
Protein additive obtained by mixing these products
Показатель Indicators
Кормовые дрожжи bran смешением этих продуктов nutrient yeast products
Продукт Product
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