
Abstract Smelting plant is an activity that produces emissions in the form of heavy metal particulates that can cause pollution and are harmful to human health in excessive concentrations. This research was conducted to determine the heavy metals’ characteristics in the soil around the metal smelting area of Beji industrial area, Pasuruan, Indonesia. A total of 33 soil samples were collected at 200 m, 500 m, 2km and 5km from the metal smelting area. The concentrations of heavy metals Zn (669.47 - 63.25 mg/kg), Cd (94.88 - 40.30 mg/kg) and V (198.98 - 108.19 mg/kg) in the soil were determined by using EDXRF Spectrometer Minipal 4. The concentration of zinc reduces with distance from an industrial region. The amounts of cadmium and vanadium did not change considerably with distance. Then the potential pollution risks of heavy metal in the soil were evaluated by method of assessment of heavy metal contaminations in soil. These Cf values indicated that the assessment of heavy metal contamination in soils from smelters was category: Indicates no contamination, suspected contamination, slight contamination and extreme contamination.

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