
Utilization of stagnant water storage tanks in Banjararum Village, Kalibawang District, Kulon Progo Regency with a total of 23 units needs to be optimized by using them as communal rainwater harvesting (RWH). The amount of time for filling and emptying the tank is an important aspect to be able to optimize rainwater used for daily needs. The aims of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the use of Communal PAHs applied in the community. This is analyzed through several stages, including determining the planning location unit, analyzing hydrological characteristics and analyzing the flow rate and duration of filling and emptying the tank using the Prandtl-Colebrook formula and the Bernoulli formula. Researchers took samples in Dusun Kisik by optimizing 2 roofs that can distribute rainwater of 27.09 m3/week for roof 1 and 27.19 m3/week for roof 2. Assuming 6 people live around the tank who use water storage every day, then the communal PAH can supply 3,000 liters within 52 minutes while the emptying process for distribution to other media takes 69 minutes. This difference is due to the different dimensions of the inlet pipe and outlet pipe. So that the effectiveness of the use of Communal PAHs applied in the community can be one of the recommendations in the provision of sustainable clean water.

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