
The main theme of this article is Product and Brand awareness, which consists of the degree of familiarization of consumers with a product or service and with the brand, that is, a measure of how the product/service and the brand are known and remembered and associated with certain attributes by the public. This article aims to analyze the connections and correlations between Digital Marketing, Relationship Marketing and Content Marketing and how, together with Product and Brand awareness, these are used by companies to increase the awareness of the product/service and the brand. As a method, the bibliographic research was used to build the theory and the case study was used to collect primary data for a better understanding of how Digital Marketing, Relationship Marketing and Content Marketing together with Product and Brand awareness affects the notoriety of the product/service and the brand. As a result of this analysis, it was observed that the company analyzed by the interviewee actually uses Marketing in conjunction with Product and Brand awareness to leverage notoriety, however it was observed that Marketing, Product and Brand awareness techniques and data processing could be better explored. In general terms, the company does use the techniques mentioned above, but does not use some techniques in depth, which corroborates most of the propositions made in conjunction with the theory and shows that there are clear points of improvement in the company studied by the interviewee.

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