
A major problem in cosmic microwave back- ground radiation (CMBR) anisotropy measurements is the presence of low-frequency noise in the data streams. This noise arises from thermal instabilities of optical elements or of the thermal bath, gain instabilities and 1=f noise in the electronics, and other poorly understood processes. If improperly monitored or processed, this excess low- frequency noise might lead to striping in the maps, com- promising the success of the experiment. In this paper, we show that a simple destriping method will clean the maps obtained with the High Frequency Instrument of the PLANCK SURVEYOR mission of any signicant ad- ditional noise from low-frequency drifts, provided that the knee frequency of the low frequency noise is less than the spinning frequency of the satellite, i.e. fknee 0:017 Hz. For the High Frequency Instrument of PLANCK, the nom- inal knee frequency of the noise is fknee' 0:01 Hz or less, and thus no signicant striping nor increase of the noise rms is expected due to low-frequency drifts. In addition, we show that even if the knee frequency of the low fre- quency noise were somewhat higher than the spinning fre- quency of the satellite one could estimate and remove the striping with a excellent accuracy.

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