
After Ag and/or mitogen stimulation, cloned mouse Th1 and Th2 cells produce different cytokines that contribute to induction of particular B cell isotype responses. In this regard, IL-5 produced by Th2 cells has been shown to enhance IgA synthesis in LPS-triggered splenic (SP) B cell or in unstimulated Peyer's patch (PP) B cell cultures. This raises the possibility that Th2 cells may occur in higher frequency in gut-associated tissues, because B cells in these areas are committed to IgA synthesis. We have used an ELISPOT assay to detect individual T cells producing IFN-gamma or IL-5. For the IL-5 assay, the mAb TRFK-5 and biotinylated TRFK-4 were used in coating and detection, respectively, whereas the mAb R4-6A2 and biotinylated XMG 1.2 were similarly used for enumeration of IFN-gamma-specific spot forming cells (SFC). Specificity of each assay was tested by using Con A-activated, cloned Th1 (H66-61) or Th2 (CDC-25) cells, where the Th1 cells only produced IFN-gamma SFC and the Th2 cells only gave IL-5-specific spots. Further, preincubation of biotinylated TRFK-4 or XMG 1.2 with rIL-5 or IFN-gamma, respectively, abrogated the formation of specific spots when tested with Con A-activated SP CD4+ T cells. Both IFN-gamma and IL-5 were produced de novo, because treatment of T cells with cycloheximide inhibited both IFN-gamma and IL-5 SFC. We have assessed the numbers of T cells spontaneously secreting these cytokines in PP and in lamina propria and intraepithelial lymphocyte (LPL and IEL) populations. Moderate levels of IL-5 SFC occurred in the IEL subset, whereas higher levels existed in the LPL population. Although significant numbers of IFN-gamma SFC (Th1-type) were also seen in LPLs, the frequency of IL-5 SFC was always higher (Th1:Th2 in LPL = 1:3). In IELs, equal numbers of IFN-gamma and IL-5 SFC were seen. Interestingly, CD8+ IEL T cells produced these two cytokines. In contrast, T cells freshly isolated from PP, an IgA inductive site, contained smaller numbers of IL-5- or IFN-gamma-secreting cells and SP T cells had essentially no SFC. When PP or SP T cells were stimulated with Con A, significant and approximately equal numbers of IFN-gamma- and IL-5-producing cells appeared.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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