
BACKGROUND: The textual description of a public service crowdfunding project is an important factor influencing the audience’s donation behavior, but the existing studies on the textual characteristics of the project are rather scattered. OBJECTIVE: This paper attempts to systematically sort out the characteristics of project texts along the lines of linguistic and non-linguistic factors, clarifying the relationship between the characteristics of project texts, project sources, and social donation behavior. METHODS: Based on Aristotle’s persuasion theory, language factors are measured from three dimensions of appeal to personality, appeal to logic, and appeal to emotion, while other text features unrelated to persuasive language are classified as non-language factors. When discussing the influence path of linguistic and non-linguistic factors on donation behavior, this paper controls the project type to test the moderating role played by the identity characteristics of crowdfunding initiators. RESULTS: The results show that the use of personality-based language (third-person words), logic-based language (money words and quantitative words), and emotion-based language (tone of voice and negative emotions) all have a significant positive effect on the audience’s donation behavior, while the use of second-person words in personality-based language has a negative effect on donation behavior; the identity of the project initiator (project origin) plays a complex and diverse moderating role in the influence of project text features on donation behavior. CONCLUSION: There are obvious differences in the description of different text strategies adopted by the project initiator.

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