
After a decade of significant educational reform in Kazakhstan, a focus on the quality of Teacher Education is needed for the sustainable development of improvement in the educational sector. A systemic approach is needed which connects the quality of teachers with reforms that address the attraction of quality candidates into teacher education, the quality of the curriculum, resources, faculty, institutional resources and partnerships with professional practice schools. These factors need to be considered within the educational policy and national context. This paper makes a case for reform in teacher education by reviewing international best practice and connecting this to the contemporary context in Kazakhstan. This reform should: clarifying the mission of ITE, establish a strong regulatory framework, identify new curricula content, revise selection criteria and qualifications pathways into university-based programs, strengthen accountability mechanism and revitalise the teacher education workforce with the skills, knowledge and dispositions needed to develop future generations of quality teachers to enhance the prosperity and well-being for all in Kazakhstan. Key words: teacher education, Kazakhstan, quality of education, educational reform, pedagogical education.

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