
Symmetric functions arise in many areas of mathematics including combinatorics, topology and algebraic geometry. Using ideals of symmetric functions, we tie these three branches together. This thesis generalizes work of Garsia and Procesi in 1992 that gave a quotient ring presentation for the cohomology ring of Springer varieties. Let R be the polynomial ring Z[x1, . . . , xn]. We present two different ideals in R. Both are parametrized by a Hessenberg function h, namely a nondecreasing function that satisfies h(i) ≥ i for all i. The first ideal, which we call Ih, is generated by modified elementary symmetric functions. The ideal Ih generalizes the work of Tanisaki who gave a combinatorial description of the ideal used in Garsia and Procesi’s quotient ring. Like the Tanisaki ideal, the generating set for Ih is redundant. We give a minimal generating set for this ideal. The second ideal, which we call Jh, is generated by modified complete symmetric functions. The generators of this ideal form a Grobner basis, which is a useful property. Using the Grobner basis for Jh, we identify a basis for the quotient R/Jh. We introduce a partial ordering on the Hessenberg functions, and in turn we discover nice nesting properties in both families of ideals. When h > h′, we have Ih ⊂ Ih′ and Jh ⊂ Jh′ . We prove that Ih equals Jh when h is maximal. Since Ih is the ideal generated by the elementary symmetric functions when h is maximal, the generating set for Jh forms a Grobner basis for the elementary symmetric functions. Moreover, the quotient R/Jh gives another description of the cohomology ring of the full flag variety. The generators of the ring R/Jh are in bijective correspondence with the Betti numbers of certain Hessenberg varieties. These varieties are a two-parameter

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