
Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P), was inaugurated on 13 lh February, 2012, the aim was to plough black the savings from the reduction of subsidies on petroleum products into programmes that will empower Nigerian youths. This article examines the extent to which Subsidy and Reinvestment Programme SURE-P has empowered Nigerian youths between 2012 and 2014. The article notes that there is a considerable relationship between Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE- P) and youth empowerment in Nigeria. The article contends that SURE-P established graduate internship scheme of the community services, women and youth employment programme under the social safety net component; Sure-P Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programme; Mass Transit Programme and Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme all geared towards youth empowerment. Finally, the article concludes that the current mode of operation of SURE-P still needs to be changed by adopting concrete strategies of youth empowerment, and most importantly creating enabling environment for foreign investors to come in, who can provide opportunities of employment for Nigerian youths.

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