
This study aimed to describe students’ attitudes towards engineering and technology according to school area differences. This study used a quantitative descriptive method with a cross-sectional survey design. The research sample was obtained from three different school areas in Boyolali Regency, Indonesia. The samples in this study were 24.9% from Rural Junior High School, 36.2% from Suburban Junior High School, and 39% from Urban Junior High School. The research sample was taken using a proportional stratified random sampling technique from 7th to 9th grades. Data on student attitudes towards engineering and technology were taken online using the Google form in urban and suburban schools and offline in rural schools. The data analysis technique is simple statistics that describe central tendencies such as means and percentages with SPSS 25. The results indicate that the students’ attitudes towards engineering and technology, the mean score of the students in rural school was 3.58, students in suburban schools were 3.69, and students in urban schools were 3.64. Students in suburban schools have more positive attitudes towards Engineering and Technology than students in urban and rural schools.

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