
This researcher focuses on analysis of student ability of using simple past and past perfect tense in writing recount text for 4th semester students of TBI STAI RAKHA Amuntai. The purpose of this study are 1) To find out the use of simple past and past perfect tense in writing recount text for 4th semester students of TBI STAI RAKHA Amuntai. 2) To find out the use of regular verb and irregular verb in writing recount text for 4th semester students of TBI STAI RAKHA Amuntai.
 The method used in this research is qualitative semester employed 4th TBI STAI RAKHA Amuntai students which was selected as the subject of this research consisting of 24 students. Then, the object of this research was the ability of students to use simple past and past perfect in writing recount text for 4th semester students at TBI STAI RAKHA Amuntai. Data collection technique used by researcher in this study were test, interview, and documentary. The test was distributed to semester 4th students and then to strengthen the answer from the test, the researcher conducted interviews to students and lecturers who teach structure and writing courses. The collected data was analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusion and verifying data.
 The result of the research shows that the students’ ability to use simple past and past perfect in writing recount text is 71 which is good category and the ability of students to use regular verb and irregular verb in simple past and past perfect the average score of students is 82,8 very good category.
 Moreover, based on the result of students’ interview, every student has difficulties in writing text. There are four difficulties that the researcher encounters when they wrote recount text, namely their lack of knowledge about making recount text, learning method of teacher in their previous schools were less interesting, lack of vocabulary, and lack of interest in learning English.
 It is important for students and lecturer concerned to know this. The hope is that students are able to improve their abilities because good skill will encourage motivation in learning English, especially writing skill. Lecturer are expected to pay attention to student habits in the learning process, especially in writing skill.

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