
It is well known that the failure of unidirectional two-component composites with brittle fibers in axial tensile loading is caused by the scatter of the s~ength properties of the fibers and takes place by means of the mechanism of disperse failure ~accumulation of separate ruptures of fibers, growth and coalescence of the defects and subsequent formation of the main crack [i, 2]). The phenomenon of disintegration of the fibers in a three-component hybrid composite was detected in experiments in [3], but from the theoretical point of view the failure of the hybrid composites has been studied only partially. In investigations of this type, the initial stage consists of the examination of the local redistribution of the stresses in the vicinity of fiber rupture, and this should be followed by the probability analysis of the formation, growth, and coalescence of the cracks with the statistical properties of the components also taken into account.

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