
Abstract Both velocity and temperature spreading depend strongly on the flow type related to their ratios between the side jets to the central one. This is the reason why the present work focuses on numerical investigation of non-isothermal three parallel non-ventilated turbulent plane jets. The numerical predictions confirm the three types (A, B and C) of flow patterns given by the available flow visualization and reveal a fourth that will be called type D. Both centerline and crosswise profiles of the mean velocity and temperature are found similar for several temperature gaps for each velocity and temperature ratios. The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of the velocity ratios on the decay rates of the velocity and temperature in the fully developed region. It is found that the addition of side jets increase the rate of decrease of the centerline velocity for the flow of type A and decreases in the other cases. The effect of various types of flow on the rate of decrease of the velocity and the temperature in the fully developed flow region are detailed. This has led to establish some correlations which reveal several interesting results depending on the diffusion of momentum and heat transfer.

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