
The article contains results of research of implementation of international concept of essential medicines in the system of health protection of Ukraine. The authors analyzed three National lists of essential medicines, which had been approved in 2001, 2006 and 2009, and their last editions. They used historical, comparative, logical, mathematical statistic and other methods of research. The authors determined that since the first National list of essential medicines in Ukraine had been approved in 2011, there hasn’t been a single approach (by methodology) to a selection and inclusion of medicines to the composition of the above-mentioned list. Moreover, there hasn’t been a single approach to the formation of National list of essential medicines as well. It was the third National list of essential medicines (2009) by the formation and order of medicines presentation, which followed international recommendations of World Health Organization. In different years, the number of medicines, which were showed in the lists, has fluctuated gisnificantly. Thus, a minimum number of medicines was in the third National list of essential medicines (251 medicines by ?NN, 2009) and a maximum number was in the second edition of the second National list of essential medicines (780 medicines, 2008). Specific weight of sales volume of medicines, which were included in the National list at pharmaceutical market, has been changing proportionally to the change of their number by years. The biggest volume of retail sale was in 2008 (42.43%), and the smallest?in 2009 (13.45%). A significant obstacle to the efficient implementation of international concept of essential medicines in Ukraine is absence of National list of ?ssential ?edicines for children.

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