
When performing stress verification analysis of wing spar supported composite walls it is essential to estimate local stability of smooth wall and general stability of orthotropic panel under shear forces. Almost square fragment of spar wall supported with ribs (between two ribs) is examined in this paper. In order to estimate general stability and load-bearing capacity of orthotropic panel geometrically nonlinear problem is examined. When examining linear problem compact expression for critical shear flow definition is explicitly written in order to estimate general stability with ultimate loading. When examining nonlinear problem a system of two equations in deflection amplitude is obtained. Besides nonlinear problem of smooth wall (skin) local stability and postbuckling state estimation with possible geometrically nonlinear behavior is examined. Analytical solution of orthotropic rectangular panel with shear geometrically nonlinear problem is obtained. Based on method of design by postbuckling state with critical shear stress provided with buckling a method of skin thickness definition is suggested. In order to apply obtained solutions to design activities method of orthotropic panels design by stability and postbuckling state with corresponding load level is shown.

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