
Promoting the development of cognitive radio technology needs to incite primary users into action. Spectrum trading is a useful tool to solve this problem. In spectrum trading process, pricing framework is a key issue of interest to both primary and secondary users. The pricing framework for spectrum trading depends on the objective of primary users and the behaviors of primary and secondary users. In this paper, we investigate two types of pricing frameworks, namely, the Leasing Mode and the Sharing Mode. In these two pricing framework, primary users have different behaviors but a same objective. Primary users are aimed to maximizing their expected long-term rewards, secondary users change their behaviors according to their current profits. We analyze these pricing frameworks under the condition that the primary user trades with one or more secondary users at the same time, and a result is given. The result shows that Sharing Mode will not attract the attention of licensed users but Leasing Mode. Otherwise, we take primary user trading with two secondary users simultaneously for example, wireless conditions and spectrum allocation are considered. We compare the utility of primary user who is active with that of a idle user. The efficiency of secondary users using spectrum is investigated.

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