
The threat of urban fire disaster has been and is still a serious problem in Kano metropolis resulting to increased risk exposure of human and properties, thereby rendering the metropolis unsafe for business, residence and recreational activities. This study examined the spatio-temporal patterns of fire disaster and it causes and consequences. The study adopted a mixed method integrating quantitative and geospatial data from various sources. Fire incidents data (2009-2019) was obtained from the records of the existing fire stations and subjected to Global Positioning System (GPS) surveying for spatial mapping. Three fire incident clusters were identified and selected within which questionnaire survey was conducted. Coefficient of Variance and simple percentages were used for the qualitative data analysis. The result revealed the influence of space-time relationships in fire disaster recurrence throughout the period of study. Annual incident trend indicated general increase in occurrence of fire disaster. Seasonally, the trend revealed the highest incidents during the cool and dry season (32%). Diurnally, there were more fire incidents in the morning (26%) and evening hours (24.7%) than in the early night hours (8.8%) due to low temperatures especially during the cool and dry season. Electric related problems and negligence constituted the dominant causes of fire disaster which is being responsible for about 36% and 73% of the total incidents recorded respectively. Residential and commercial landuses experienced the highest number of fire disaster with about 72% and 14% respectively. It is concluded that recurrence of fire disaster in Kano metropolis is influenced by space-time relationship and landuse. Massive enlightenment campaign on fire disaster prevention and preparedness measures should be embarked on especially within the high population density residential areas, stressing on negligence and electric related faults as the two major causes of fire outbreaks within the metropolis.

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