
Food security issues in Russia are becoming a priority in the context of an increase in the level of influence of climate risks on all aspects of the economic and social life of society, as well as changes in the political balance of power. The development of agricultural production requires the use of modern technologies and state support for the agricultural entrepreneur in the conditions of the predominance of risky farming zones, which is typical for the territory of the Russian Federation. Insurance is one of the important tools for ensuring the stability, continuity and payback of agricultural production, which has been used for a long time and effectively in many developed countries.The subject of research in this article is the analysis, generalization and evaluation of the experience of building an agricultural risk insurance system in the EU countries. The object of the study is the territory of Spain, as the country that has achieved the greatest success in using the insurance tool, one of the effective methods of managing agricultural risks. The results of the study are to identify the advantages of the system of organization and interaction of participants in the insurance protection of an agricultural entrepreneur in Spain, which can be adapted for use in Russia.

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